Home sweet Home! It is such a great feeling to come home and enjoy a beautiful day after three fantastic weeks of horse showing in beautiful Traverse City, Michigan! Horse Shows by the Bay was a fantastic experience yet again this year for all of our horses and riders.
Congratulations to Canterbury Farm’s Hillcrest Songbird who with rider Emma Wujek had great success in the Large Pony Hunters + Equitation, including champion of the Pony Equitation week I, the large Pony Hunter Champion + Grand Pony Hunter Champion of week II, and reserve champion of the large pony hunter week III.
Helen + Granted Wish had some great rides and awesome ribbons in the older Children’s Hunters. Marcia Franklin’s Cydelle had some fantastic rounds with CF’s very own Caitlyn Shiels resulting in some fabulous ribbons, including the USHJA Pre-Green Incentive Program stake classes, which is VERY exciting!
Independence had a great three weeks, getting consistent ribbons in the 3ft pre-green hunters (click HERE to watch!) and a had a fantastic round in the National Derby (his first one!) click here to see his derby round . San Paolo was super in his training jumper classes – with both horses ridden by Caitlyn, who also had time to enjoy her new horse! Congrats to her and more to come on that later!
Michelle Durpetti and her horse Azteca were great in the Adult Jumpers, we are so excited that they have moved up from the low adults, way to go guys! Michelle’s other, but no less special horse, Kenya had a SUPER three weeks, winning an O/F fences class with Michelle in the A/O 18-35 Hunters in addition to great ribbons all three weeks in that VERY tough division. He kept up his winning ways in the Performance 3″6 hunters, getting good ribbons in those very large classes AND he WON the week II $2,500 USHJA National Derby sponsored by Walgreens with Caitlyn Shiels riding, what a super three weeks for him, and congrats to those two on a spectacular performance! View Caitlyn + Kenya’s round by CLICKING HERE
Samantha Pogorzelski made her debut in the walk classes with her sister’s pony, Pumpkin Pie, and got some great ribbons! Congrats to her! Last, but certainly not least, is one of the smaller, but SUPER special members of our team, Maddie Pogorselski, who with her fantastic pony Pumpkin Pie got GREAT ribbons in the Children’s Pony Equitation (including Champion of the Eq week I!) + Children’s Pony Hunter. This dynamic ALSO duo won TWO Children’s Pony Hunter Classics, TWO weeks in a row! We are SO proud of our team! We get to enjoy this week off, then back to work to get ready for the Trader’s Point Hunt Charity Horse Show in August! Can’t wait
Thank you Diana Hadsall Photography for some of the images featured. Additional images from Helen Lindsay, Kathy Jo Pogorzelski, Rachel Turk and Michelle Durpetti.