We are very excited to welcome to Kip Rosenthal to the farm on Monday, June 24 and Tuesday, June 25 for a clinic! Kip is an accomplished equestrian, who has trained and ridden with such familiar names such as George Morris, Victor Hugo-Vidal, Bert De’Nemethy and more. In her youth, she placed top three at the American Horse Show Association (AHSA) Medal Finals and ASPCA Maclay Finals and rode her horse Goodboy Dee to the AHSA Horse of the Year Junior Hunter Champion. Kip went on to have great success as a professional rider. As an accomplished and respected R-rated judge in both Hunter and Hunter Seat Equitation, Kip has judged many of the most prestigious competitions in North America and has also served as one of the clinicians at the 2012 EAP National and Regional Level competitions. Kip holds a PhD in clinical counseling psychology and conducts sports psychology seminars throughout the country.
There will be three groups of riders;
10:00-11:30 2’6″
11:30-1:00 3″
2:00-3:30 3’6″
4:30-5:30 Sports Psychology Session (Monday only)
There are still some open spots, so please contact Greg (847) 274-1605, if you are interested in taking part. Auditors are welcome, and encouraged to make a donation to the USET Foundation for the experience.