For Immediate Release: Media Contact: Brenda Mueller 312-715-7433 Article by: Brenda Mueller for Winter in Ocala Gives Canterbury Farm a Leg Up Ready for Patty Stovel Clinic May 24-25 Michelle Durpetti’s Kenya...
We are having a great time down in Ocala, Florida here at HITS! Maddie Pogorzelski and her family were down showing for two weeks and Maddie got some great ribbons in the children’s pony hunters! Michelle Durpetti’s Moody Blues made his return to the show...
We took a moment amidst all our fun lessons today to snap this pic so we could wish you the happiest of Holiday wishes from everyone at Canterbury Farm!!!
We LOVE this time of year! The holidays are always such a great opportunity to spend time with family, friends, and of course, our horses! It is also time for presents – and let’s face it – who doesn’t love holidays presents!?...
We always look forward to hosting George Morris at the farm the weekend after Thanksgiving, and this year’s clinic was a smashing success! The annual clinics have 24 riders and over 200 auditors over a three-day event. The clinic is the most popular clinic in...